
Kanzashi Collection…

Hari nie masih lagi leka dengan kanzashi…selepas dah siap jahit button dan manik…inilah antara collection yg dah siap…

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Dan kanzashi bukan hanya bleh buat brooch dan lain2 accessories tp boleh jugak dilekatkan pada kotak cenderahati atau hadiah menggantikan reben atau bunga yg biasa…nie contoh nyer…

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Lekatkan di bahagian tengah kotak…


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Lekatkan di bahagian sisi kotak…

Just nice!! kalo ditambah sedikit reben pasti nampak lagi menarik 😀

Hari nie juga saya try buat Yo-Yo guna fabric cotton yg saya ader…dulu masa kecik2 nengok mak buat Yo-Yo nie dan cantumkan untuk dijadikan alas meja…so ari try la buat…ermmm…menarik gak…pasni kalo dah siap saya akan masukkan dlm next entry yer 😀

More Kanzashi Flowers :D

Kali nie try gabungkan 2 jenis fabric untuk buat satu bunga kanzashi…cotton and satin…dan saya sangat sukaaaaa sebab menjadi…sedang buatkan untuk my sis kanzashi brooch dan kanzashi yg bleh ditempek kat her plain tote bag yg baru dia beli…

Like to order one of these beauts? Want one in a specific color, size, and style? Email me for enquiries♥

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raya2009 096Peachy peach≈≈♣ RM3

raya2009 088Green tea ≈≈♣ RM3

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Red cotton bloom ≈≈ RM2

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Green cotton bloom with green faux pearl ≈≈ RM2

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Simple blue cotton bloom with red simple button≈≈ RM2

There are a few examples coming soon , but flowers may be added to any size elastic, or any type of accessory, including (but not limited to!) headbands, bobby pins, combs, and barretts. Flowers come in any size from 1″ to infinity! Colors are infinite too. Stay posted for more of these!

All the of the kanzashi pictured here are all handmade by me. (^_^)

Kanzashi Flowers

My very first Kanzashi!

Seronok betul bila berjaya buat nie…sebab my first trial buat nie x menjadi…

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Soft coloured cotton fabric with yellow button


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Kanzashi with artificial flower stamens and white beads


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Kanzashi with artificial flower stamens


Kanzashi can be used as a brooch, a ribbon neck tie, choker, back to its origin, hair accessories or anything else you can think of ♥

So kalau interested can be customized. Different fabric prints available. Email me for enquiries♥

BTW…apa itu Kanzashi??

Kanzashi are hair ornaments used in traditional Japanese hairstyles. Kanzashi first appeared when women abandoned the traditional taregami hairstyle where the hair was kept straight and long, and adopted beautiful-crazy and intricate coiffures. These days kanzashi are most often worn by brides and geisha.

Surf internet pasal kanzashi nie mesti akan nampak buku nie…aaaa…kat msia ader jual tak ekk…ader la dpt selak2 skit page buku nie dlm beberapa website tp x fully bleh ngk la…but the basic rase2 memang dah betul dah 😀 Making different sizes of flowers is as easy as varying the size of the fabric square, but the little ones are a bit fiddly, especially with thicker fabrics. Kalau x sabar mungkin malas kot nak buat kanzashi nie…but they are definitely worth looking at.


p/s to en hubby : Ima ichibann hoshi mononandaaaaaaaaa!!!! 😀